Hidden Title if Featured Image is set to Post

When creating visually appealing posts in WordPress using Bricks Builder, you might want to hide the title element when a featured image is set. This approach is commonly used to keep the design clean and focus the user’s attention on the image instead of the text.

In Bricks Builder, you can easily implement this by using conditional logic. The steps are straightforward:

  1. Open Bricks Builder: Navigate to the post or template where you want to implement the condition.
  2. Select the Title Element: Click on the title element that you want to hide.
  3. Add a Condition: In the title element’s settings, scroll down to the Conditions section and click the “+” button to add a new condition.
  4. Choose “Featured Image” Condition: From the list, select Featured Image and set the condition to “is set”. This means the title will only display if there is no featured image for the post.
  5. Customize Further if Needed: You can also add more conditions, such as hiding the title based on specific criteria like post category or tag.
  6. Save and Preview: Once the condition is set, save your changes and preview the post. If a featured image is present, the title will be hidden.

By implementing this condition, you can create a more dynamic and engaging design, allowing the featured image to stand out without being overshadowed by the post title.

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